Thursday, November 13, 2008

Peace Out Mac

Tonight I am boxing up the Mac and shipping it off to its new home.  I have never quite forgiven it for dying on me last month, so I have sold it on Ebay.  I feel very good about my decision, and have already used the money to buy a non-Apple laptop that will arrive the day before Thanksgiving.  If you put that together I will be sans computer until then, so won't be quite so Johnny-on-the-spot with email.  Bon Voyage Mac.  

Here are some random pictures of B.  Taking pictures of an 11 month old is a sport unto itself.  She's quick and wants the camera, so most of my pictures of her end up like these...

1 comment:

Erin said...

She is precious! Finn enjoyed her company last week - let's get together again soon.