Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Michael Irvin and Me

If you're in Dallas you've probably heard that Michael Irvin was almost car-jacked going to the gym. Here's the thing... we go to the same gym. I drive down Marsh and cross George Bush which is the exact same place it happened. I guess I can rest in the fact that nobody is gonna be that interested in stealing the CRV. Unless, of course, they know that it has a picnic table built into the back. That's useful to anyone.


Caleb said...
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Caleb said...

he's still talking about that. I'm pretty sure he made it up anyways.

Henri said...

Knowing Michael Irving, he probably did make it all up.

second, that picnic table is fantastic. In fact I may steal it the next time I come out.

The Rozell Family said...

i tagged you, check my blog