Tuesday, May 1, 2012

So it begins...

That's right you are looking at packed boxes.  Today marks 2 months from California and it was also my first day of being pretty bummed about this whole adventure.

We had a great weekend in which we saw about half the people that we love.  Friday night we had dinner with our sweet friends from down the street, then Saturday morning we went to Finn's 5th birthday party.  It was a super hero olympics and Blythe had a blast.  The kids spent Saturday night with their grandparents, and then Sam and Caitlyn brought them back Sunday afternoon and stayed for dinner.  Yesterday we went to the zoo with Jillian and Isabella.  It just kind of hit me that soon all those people won't just be a phone call and a car ride away.  Plus I took everything off the walls today so it really is starting to look like we don't live here anymore.  Sad day.

On the bright side, I think we found someone to rent the house, keep Sasquatch, and move us to California!


Erin said...

Wow, it really is real...looking for to Sunday and getting chat!!

Erin said...

So seriously...you have to know I'm the typo queen. Ha! "looking forward to Sunday"