Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Name Game

This is a very touchy subject with me since I just named a child of my own. I hearby declare, it is my belief that no matter what a parent tells you they are planning to name their child you should smile and say, "Aahh, I love it!" I don't care if they like the name Flipsy McGoo, YOU LOVE IT. Because at the end of the day, the parents are the only ones who have to like the name. It doesn't even really matter if the kid likes it. They will one day grow up and get to name their own kids whatever they like.

I thought we were being pretty safe with the name Joe, but apparently not. I have just returned from a Lowes trip where the delightful man helping me told me with utmost certainty, "Joe? He doesn't want an old-fashioned name like that." Oh really, old man. I guess in the 2 minutes you've been standing here with me, my 3 month old son told you that?? As I get older my propensity towards violence seems to be increasing, cause I wanted nothing more than to kick this 80 year old in the shin.
So I reiterate, YOU LOVE IT. Strangers don't care what you think, and you're just gonna make them mad. And if you're family or close friends, they then have to decide whether to keep a name they like, but will know for the rest of their kids life you don't or to choose a different name and know for the rest of their kids life it's not what they wanted to do. It sucks the fun right out of the naming process. I now get why people don't share what they are going to name their kid. If we have more I will probably think very hard about not sharing our plans. And if I ever say a derogatory comment about anyone's baby naming plans you have my full permission to punch me right in the face. Hard.


Erin said...

it'not just kids that say the darndest things, huh? it's just that kids are more easily forgiven because you would think an adult would know better...arghh!

Ali said...

Ben and I have always liked somewhat unusual names, and our parents could not be more traditional. Therefore, we have decided that we will not share our baby names with anyone until he/she is born. (btw, we are not pregnant!). Maybe that 80 year old man forgot to take his meds that day.