Monday, September 10, 2012

Caleb's 40th Birthday

I honestly don't know what just happened.  I'm writing this mainly to make my sleepy brain walk back through the events that led up to the stupidest challenge I've ever been a part of.

I'm reading and Caleb is playing the guitar.  Which might have led me to say something about how I loved the violin last week at church.  According to Caleb, the violin is one of the most difficult instruments to master, thus making it not for me.  This is where it gets sketchy.  Somewhere after "I love the violin," came something about naming all the string instruments.  Caleb claimed there were 5, I went with 50.  There was then a technicality about what was considered a string instrument.  Caleb named off viola, violin, cello, base, and double base.  The classical string instruments.  I was thinking anything that involved a string, so guitar, ukelele, and harp would be included on my list.

He still felt strongly that I wouldn't be able to come up with 50 and was gracious enough to give me 9 years to form my list.  Thus, on Caleb's 40th birthday, I am to present a list of 50 instruments that have a string of some kind or be mocked incessantly.

More sweet pillow talk from the man who brought us, "Indiscernible poisons and the deaths they can cause."

Check back in on July 17th, 2021.

1 comment:

Our Green Nest said...

Well at least you have some time on this, I would think you'd be able to come up with alot (50 though?). I have faith in you - if I see anything in next 9 years, I'll be sure to pass it along.