Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I've been Tagged

I got tagged twice so I figured I'd better respond so here ya go...

10 years ago: Like both the people who tagged me, Em and Jill, I was in high school.  Hating track, taking an unholy and unhealthy amount of ibuprofen, and goofing around with friends.  

Things on my to do list today:
1.  Return a pair of shoes to DSW - I got 2 right shoes even though I had a conversation specifically about such things happening as the guy supposedly "checked." I've decided he doesn't know his right from his left so all shoes looked the same to him
2.  Clean the floors with the new vacuum cleaner that came yesterday - no more sweeping and shop vacing!
  Here's the problem with my to do list... it has about 87 items on it.  Most of which have been there for circa 87 days.  I love making lists and unlike sweet Jillian I don't really care if I accomplish everything or anything at all.  If I don't it just gives me something for my list of things to do the next day.  So here's the short version of everything else.  Clothes to hem, take in, or replace buttons.  Organize our office, wash the dog who smells like death warmed over, and a plethora of other things to plan, research, or purchase.
  The only thing I usually accomplish is sitting around hanging out with Blythe!

What would I do if I became a billionaire:
Give to my family, church, and friends
Travel - Greece, Italy, Egypt, Anywhere that popped into my mind
Get a pilot's license and buy a plane to travel in
Get a giant farmhouse in the middle of nowhere for most of the year, a beautiful beach house for the summer, and maybe a downtown apartment in Seattle or Boston just for the heck of it. 
I would have lots of old cars.. vintage jaguar, old land cruiser, etc...
I'd open my own coffee shop/bar/book store/boutique
Buy lots of bags, coats, and shoes!!

Three of my many bad habits:
Being lazy, not returning phone calls and emails, and being judgmental 

5 jobs I've had:
Papa John's order taker
Sonic girl
Waitress at Swensen's
Camp Counselor
Purchasing and Inventory Control at PrimeSource

5 things people don't know about me:
1.  I think I would become a hermit if left to my own devices.  I can go weeks without seeing or speaking to anyone.
2.  I have no self control whatsoever when it comes to food and drinks. 
3.  I was accepted into grad school in Australia (RMIT to be exact) to get a masters in advertising, but didn't think it was worth the money since I planned on being a stay at home mom eventually.
4.  I've started playing around trying to learn how to tailor clothes, so I can make my clothes fit me better.
5.  I would love to be able to paint, draw, take pictures, or anything else, but seem to have no artistic ability at all.  

I will now tag Erin, Casey Face, Hayley, Mama J, and I'll double tag Massey since it worked on me!


Our Green Nest said...

I disagree about the artistic abilities - you're very creative!!!! Love, Jillian

Jeff and Casey (and Vanna) said...

does everyone think my last name is face? just wondering. i love your blog by the way and i was really happy i knew most of the things most people dont know about you. i can't wait to come to tx!