Friday, October 26, 2007

It's a Classic Man Shoe

So Caleb has been wanting a pair of top siders for awhile, and I have not been able to understand why. We do not have a yacht, neither of us sail, or wear whites to Saturday afternoon tennis... so why would he need a pair of top siders? Well, he got some....

And was very excited to get to wear them without socks. He said he was gonna walk into a meeting at work and put his leg up on a chair like this...

This picture is a re-enactment, last night when he demonstrated he attempted to put his foot up on the island. This was a bit ambitious which is how this happened...

See the large crack where the corner of the island almost broke off? Yeah... cool.

So I still don't know why we needed top siders. His only explanation is that "It's a classic man shoe." All it's gotten me is a stinky, no-socks boy running around my house and a broken island.


The Thurmonds said...

hey i think i only have your work email address... we need to talk about where to meet tomorrow. email me with your home email address or your cell number.

The Thurmonds said...

oh yeah and my dad had some man shoes just like those and they STUNK!! haha... look what you get to look forward to!

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