Monday, April 14, 2008

Where do towns go when they die?

  This weekend we went to my Gramma K's 95th birthday party in Wellington, Texas.  Wellington is in the panhandle which is lots of cotton fields and dead or dying towns.  It's really sad actually.  Every town has a square with cool old buildings and siding houses, which I love.  But I guess people just start moving away and businesses close down and eventually they just die.... so strange.

  I would have to say the highlight of the weekend was probably playing 42 in our hotel room with Brandon and Valera.  Brandon and I have had our rough times as brother and sister, but have gotten over it and now I thoroughly enjoy hanging out with him.  I won't comment too much on the 42 game, because it turns out V is just as competitive as Brandon, but suffice it to say O'Corby rules!   It's always good to see the extended family, but we always seem to end up just hanging out with our inner circle.  
  As I was in the car for close to 9 hours this weekend I had lots of time to think and it turns out I want many conflicting things.  It's a wonder how 1 heart could want so many different things, but I do, so there it is.  Here's my plan for one of the things I want though.  I would love to live in an old town with 1 grocery store and every one knows each other's names.  However, I want to take my friends and family with me since there aren't any people in these towns from what I can tell.  So my plan is that when we all retire, we choose one of these old towns and all just move there.  We'll fix up the old buildings and at Christmas and Thanksgiving all our kids and their families will come to this old town and hang out together.  We can have all kinds of stupid holidays and festivals, ala Stars Hollow, cause we'll be the only people in the town.  And I think I will be mayor.  Or maybe sheriff.  Anyhoo... who's coming with me?!?!?!?


Ben said...

i found the town- bull shoals, arkansas. google it. check out my blog, i want y'all to be a part of a social experiment.

Ali said...

Thanks for the dollar for guys rock! :) Tell your friends!

Our Green Nest said...

Sounds very Gilmore Girls-ish :)...Depends on where it is - is it NEAR the ocean but not TOO near the ocean? If so, I will seriously consider it!